Bellini Tiziana S.r.l. has a staff of 45 people specialized in products and services related to electronic and electromechanical subcontracting.
The main sectors are RF for telecommunication, automotive, medical and industrial machinery.
Specifically, we can support you in:

Mechanical installation of electronic boards
Board completion and precision welding, board mechanical assembly, smd and pth component assembly.

Connectorization of coaxial cables
Assembly, precision, machining, automatic machining of coaxial and multipolar cables, custom wiring on electronic devices, coaxial wiring tests.

Assembly of panels with wiring

Testing of boards, modules, equipment and wiring

Microcontroller programming

Control units for operating machines with joystick

Working on optical fibers
Optical joints, optical tests of fusion joints.

Wiring of various kind, wiring for automotive
Electrical wiring, low power electrical cable assemblies.